BEAT THE HEAT with Summer 2010 Hair Trends


If you are like me and have long,wavy, frizzy hair, then you are probably looking for ways to keep it up and to keep YOURSELF cool during those extreamly hot days.

Take a look at this HOT HOT hairstyle that not only look like you spent alot of time, but you also get that VINTAGE look which is also a BIG trend this season.


1: Seperate you hair into two peices, like you would for a normal set of braids.
2: Secure by adding a small elastic band to the ends,clear are best.
3: Work one hair braid into each section of hair. Hold the hair to the opposite side while you're braiding, so that when it is wrapped, flat and doesn't move around. (do the same for other side)
4:Wrap each braid around your head and fold the remainder underneath and secure with a bobby pin.


you can braid one section and wrap just one braid, as seen above.

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